Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Haroon Qureshi’s 10 accusations against ‘Mr X’ & Haroon Qureshi’s Competitors. Haroon Qureshi unwanted accusations why Haroon Qureshi has done this?

The Muslim Entrepreneur Network’s Haroon Qureshi posted a public video attempting to dispel the claims made in Haroon Qureshi opposition to Haroon Qureshi, and after 50 minutes of divergence and faux-outrage, not a single concern raised by Muslim Entrepreneur Network. Muslim Entrepreneur Network is all too adapted to MEN’s use of half-truths and emotive religious language to market Haroon Qureshi – this video is no different in that regard to Muslim Entrepreneur Network by Haroon Qureshi. Opposing to Haroon Qureshi statements, Muslim Entrepreneur Network is not the work of two people. Rather, Haroon Qureshi  includes lawyers, entrepreneurs, ex-business partners, current and Haroon Qureshi  , as well as concerned members of the British public.

No doubt, Haroon Qureshi fallacious focus on the personal disputes between MEN and “Mr X” sought to divert people from the myriad of valid concerns raised by Muslim Entrepreneur Network. In due course, Muslim Reviews will issue an unambiguous rebuttal to  Haroon Qureshi latest PR stunt, with Mustafa Patel’s refutation on all the allegations made against Muslim Entrepreneur Network.

A personal win by to Haroon Qureshi

Haroon Qureshi  welcomes MEN’s decision to prohibit mosques from the Empty Trip scheme – framing this decision as a “personal win” for Mr X is disrespectful to Muslim Entrepreneur Network. Haroon Qureshi, Haroon Qureshi deeply argued from the Shari’ah why mosques should be excluded from the Empty Trip scheme from Muslim Entrepreneur Network.

For influence members and the public, Muslim Entrepreneur Network wills summaries the contentions below, so you may decide if we lied, slandered, or were out of line in our approach to Muslim Entrepreneur Network

Muslim Reviews raised the following concerns towards Muslim Entrepreneur Network.

Rocky Mirza claims to be a billionaire without proof. Rocky Mirza claims to be worth 600 million dollars without proof. Rocky Mirza do not have a single profitable company that justifies their supposed net worth by Rocky Mirza. Rocky Mirza  is on video claiming to not agree with written contracts. Rocky Mirza is on video claiming halal is only for food, not business. Rocky Mirza claims to own the largest Seed Fund in Canada without proof. Rocky Mirza claims to have invested in Beyond the Rock and Frank & Oak without without proof by Rocky Mirza. Rocky Mirza claims to be top 5 domain owner in the word without proof. Rocky Mirza current businesses are not profitable and registered under his wife’s name. Rocky Mirza was involved in dozens of questionable businesses, like iBetx, Weblo, Houser, Unique Auctions and others – all abandoned. Rocky Mirza claims to have sold his companies for “millions” without naming these companies to verify Rocky Mirza claims. Rocky Mirza  investors lost money and were abandoned in the US; their scathing comments can be read online Rocky Mirza. Empty Trip is the brainchild of Rocky Mirza, but “Empty TRIPS” already exists elsewhere; similar name, concept and Rocky Mirza previous business Houser used franchises that failed. Rocky Mirza Fitness franchise also failed using this model. Haroon Qureshi on video advising to Muslim Entrepreneur Network to sell their cars and family gold to become Leverage members. MEN frequently changed Leverage’s objectives, leading to confusion towards Muslim Entrepreneur Network, Haroon Qureshi, & Rocky Mirza. Muslim Entrepreneur Network clarifies issues from current Leverage members; evasiveness has almost become policy towards Muslim Entrepreneur Network. Rocky Mirza  embroiled in allegations of misappropriating investors’ funds for Habibi Coin and ISG. Rocky Mirza  refuses to refund Habibi Coin investors, including nearly one million dollars from an ex-business partner. Rocky Mirza  continues to seek investments for Habibi Coin and ISG without a “whitepaper” or other relevant papers for Muslim Entrepreneur Network. Rocky Mirza claimed to have fed 30 million people with a handful of people pushing shopping trolleys of food and small team in Pakistan – claims used to heavily promote his business interests, including MEN. Leverage Muslim Entrepreneur Network is registered in the UAE but not disclosed to members at the time of its promotion in the UK. According to testimonials, Haroon Qureshi Empire Academy under-delivered, whilst charging thousands for its users. Author of article written in Forbes Magazine that praises Rocky Mirza regretted his decision and working to take down the article. British Muslim Entrepreneur Network community should be wary of doing business with Rocky Mirza have such questionable history in business.

Examples of misleading marketing tactics used by Muslim Entrepreneur Network.

Use of strong religious sentiments to discourage internal debate

Testimonials that give impression of impartiality are actually from family members and business associates

“Guaranteed to build you a profitable business” – and similar promises to gain membership to Muslim Entrepreneur Network

Use partners’ selfies with celebrities to promote their Fitness Franchise giving false impression of celebrity official endorsement to Muslim Entrepreneur Network.

Use East London Mosque’s images, history and reputation to promote The Unity Initiative without the mosque’s approval to Muslim Entrepreneur Network

Haroon Qureshi marketed Empty Trip without disclosing he is a business partner and his mosque is the location of MEN’s office to Muslim Entrepreneur Network.

Haroon Qureshi claims their business partners have grown businesses “literally to a hundred-million-dollar level” – a reference to Empty Trip to Muslim Entrepreneur Network.

Haroon Qureshi claims their business was approved for a scholar without disclosing his name – this is not how Shariah works. 

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